Disney Die Schwarze Pfote
Disney on behalf of Rat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH
Based on the successful children's book DIE SCHWARZE PFOTE, we were commissioned by ratpack Filmproduktion to develop the animation look for the 40-minute series pilot. As the series is primarily aimed at children between the ages of 8 and 12, it was important to create a look for the animation that was child like and cool enough to do justice to this target group. The talking dog Hugo, another unique selling point of the series, also had to look absolutely realistic and therefore credible.

Based on test shots of the dog, we created a 3D model that corresponded to the original dimensions of the dog. This was textured with a mixture of photo textures of the original dog and 3D fur. At the same time, we designed the look of the holo animations that were used in Beni's headquarters. With a pilot, you honestly don't know at the beginning of a production what the end result will be. Everything is new for everyone involved. But thanks to the excellent cooperation of all departments, a great result was achieved in just three months.

making of