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producing extraordinary content since 2014    



Insglück - Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH


Lab14 is a groundbreaking alliance of companies specializing in the production of nano- and micro-components. The task at hand was to conceive an image film that introduces Lab14 as an innovative network while also encouraging potential applicants to participate in the company's pioneering projects and shape the future of nano- and micro-fabrication.


As authenticity is of great importance in corporate communication, both internally and externally, we decided to work exclusively with real people - real employees of the group of companies - instead of actors and to conduct the conversations in free interviews. This resulted in an authentic and visually impressive image film that shows the diversity of the companies within Lab14 and their shared mission. With impressive shots from the state-of-the-art laboratories and production facilities of the member companies, we convey the high quality and precision that characterize Lab14. Lab14 stands for cutting-edge technology, innovation and collaboration. Our image film conveys this message and shows how the network is shaping the future of nano- and microfabrication, making it a highly attractive employer for skilled workers.

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