Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
We were commissioned by the Department of Music, Theater and Performing Arts at the University of Frankfurt to develop a trailer for the new search engine www.performing-arts.eu. The aim was to present the web portal as an interface for theater and dance studies: Existing archives, collections and libraries are brought together here digitally in a search engine. With this novelty, the FID offers comprehensive and efficient search options for theater and dance studies for the first time.
The focus of the film should be on the artifacts and props. For this reason, we decided to reduce the visual effects to aminimum and use them to tell what the artifacts themselves cannot tell: the digital. And so all the related information appears in the film as animated texts around the artifacts. The viewer witnesses the digitization process and is led from station to station. The information is condensed until the data stream finally flows into the search mask of the webportal. This final image was important to the client, so that the viewer is released directly into the real usability of the portal with a call to action at the end of the film. "Search, find, discover" was developed by us as a claim - become a treasure hunter yourself and discover the treasures of the cultural archives!